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Outside of the metropolises, it seems young white women cluster around second- or third-tier college towns.Īlmost Missouri sent me his data and I looked up various interesting counties on Wikipeida.

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Finally, there are few semi-obscure flyover daisies: Indianapolis, Columbia MO, Bloomington IL. NYC by itself dwarfs the rest of the list.īut there is also a heretofore undetected seam of redstate women in the central and southern Piedmont: Nashville, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, DeKalb, Wilmington NC, Harrisonburg, Greenville NC, Birmingham. Second observation is that blue city skankopolises have deep reserves of young white women: NYC, DC, Boston, Portland, Philly, etc. Apparently the West is still too Wild as far as young women are concerned. The first observation here is that almost all of these places are east of the Mississippi. So where the young white wimmenz at? Read on… It turns out that while restricting the age cohorts to the 15-39 prime fertility window makes almost no difference for men, it completely overturns the result for women! Apparently those Rust Belt women were those who outlived their men but can’t afford or don’t want to retire to the Sun Belt. … I decided to check the age cohorts of the surplus men and women. (I’d have gone with the 20-39 buckets, but the larger one catches prime military enlistment ages.)

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He then looked at gender ratios by county among non-Hispanics of age 15-39. (“White” here means non-Hispanic white, as defined by the Census Bureau.) Hey, News You Can Use! So, as a public service to white-or other-readers who want to mate with whites, here is a synopsis of the US counties with most “extra” white women and white men. The data were divided by sex (the Census hasn’t gotten the memo about 57 genders or whatever, thankfully), and it was apparent that the sexes weren’t evenly balanced geographically. ISteve commenter Almost Missouri does an interesting study on 2010 sex ratios among whites by county across the country from Census data:

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